Sunday, January 9, 2011

Gently Used Products

Happy 2011 All!
So this year I will NOT buy every product reviewed in hair blogs or on YouTube. In my quest to find the right product or combination there of to make my curls pop, I have acquired a small fortune of now gently used products that my hair does not like and have come to the conclusion that maybe my hair just doesn't pop.

Question: What do you do with your gently used products that you know you are not going to use again?
  •  Throw them away?
  • Gift them to your curl friend?
  • Keep them under the bathroom sink?
  • Trade them at hair meetups?

1 comment:

  1. I, give them away (you're welcome), regift them, and hide them under the bathroom sink and in the hall closet.

    I'd love to trade them at a meetup, if I ever go to one.
